Sunday, June the 12th at 3 pm; Sunday, July the 3rd at 5 pm; Sunday, August the 28th at 4 pm.
Annatuuli Saine dance
Ulla-Maija Alanen visual art
Hale Heikkilä cello
Anna Perez costume
Underwater, light and sound seem sourceless. The light diffused by water molecules, the muffled soundscape, and the buoyancy and pressure create an ambience that bombards the senses completely differently from how we sense things in the atmosphere. This aquatic space is where I work, with a light camera, a snorkel and a mask as my only tools. And the skin that, as it senses the water, directs my vision.
”In Ulla-Maija Alanen’s work, water lilies float and move in their own element – in the underwater world. They travel to the surface as they grow and descend again to the bottom as they decay. They appear as strong individuals who could be imagined speaking if only one could listen.” Susanna Pettersson.

The Mirrow of Water 2
70 x 52,5 cm (print size) 2024
Photo: Timo Junttila.